Fix for Windows 10 Screen Auto Rotation Problem with Wrong Orientation

2018 Update for Windows 10 Users (for builds 1073, 1709 and 1803):

It seems the latest driver from Kionix no longer works the same way. If your rotation problems have come back with a recent windows 10 update, or if you have problems with the method described on this page, then please download and install the old driver here and try that first.

Download:  Old Kionix Driver (kxaccel-


If when you rotate your tablet, you might find that the screen turns the wrong way (e.g. off by 90 degrees, or upside down) – here’s what you need to do. This is common for people who have upgraded their tablet PC to Windows 10, where often after upgrading are now finding their tablet screen is now rotating incorrectly. The fix is fairly straight forward.

The problem is caused by the drivers used for the rotation sensor. The sensor is made by Kionix (“kxfusion”), and this is a guide on how to fix the values stored in your Windows Registry to fix the orientation of the screen rotation.

Step 1: Install Drivers.

First, you need to install the latest drivers for the accelerometer sensor – you can download them here: drivers

Step 2: Change Orientation registry value

We need to update the windows registry with a code that contains the correct orientation of the device. To save time, I have created a ZIP file containing registry keys for the 8 possible combinations. The following steps are a shortcut, but I provide more detail in the sections below.

2a. Click here to download the zip file of registry fixes.

2b. Unzip the downloaded file.

2c. If your device appears to be rotated by 90º (e.g – it’s sideways), you will want to use one of the four files containing the text “90degree”. If it is not rotated, just upside down, then you want to use the other four files.

2d. Double click on one of the files. Restart your tablet.

2e. Repeat step 2d with a different file until your screen is correct!

2f. If you still have a problem with all those files, please leave me a comment or try all the files in this link.

Step 3: Celebrate – your tablet is working again 🙂

P.S If you’re interested in seeing how these tiny sensors are made, click here!


Kionix kxfusion Registry Settings

For those who want more detailed information, read on!


I like a good bargain, and nothing beats a bargain that has a little bit of that ‘too good to be true’ smell to it. I paid $53 Australian dollarydoos for a full windows tablet (Unisurf 7) , that came with a 1 year office subscription worth $89… so effectively I was paid $36 to take a PC with me when I renewed my office subscription. Anyway, this tablet is not that bad frankly terrible, but I’ve been having some horrible grief fun with it trying to punish it get it upgraded to windows 10, before the free upgrade promotion expires at the end of july.

As I did a clean reinstall, I’ve been having a headache with drivers. In particular, one of the issues I was having was with the accelerometer, where the auto rotation of the screen would not match the orientation of the device – very frustrating!


kxfusion Registry Setting Guide

While many devices use the same physical sensor (made by Kionix, drivers available on their website) the orientation of the physical sensor on the motherboard is not the same from device to device… so in the registry there is a value stored which tells the kionix driver which way to rotate the screen when it detects certain orientations of the chip.

All we need to do to correct the rotation direction is to edit this registry value. You’ll need to open the “registry editor”, which you can find by typing “regedit” in the search box on the taskbar.

The registry key location is: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ROOT\SENSOR\0000\Device Parameters\kxfusion] and the value we are changing is stored in the item “Orientation“. You may need to create this (binary value) if it doesn’t already exist. See below for an example screenshot of how this should look.



The data value contains a pattern, encoded in HEX in the format 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 0G where each 0X is either 00, 01 or 02.

And thanks to Kionix, there is NO PUBLIC DOCUMENTATION on the meaning of the registry keys!! Bad Engineer, Bad – go sit in the corner! From trial and error, I think I discovered the role of most of the unknown values.

Value 0A = can be 00 or 01, does not seem to change anything. I recommend 00.

Value 0B = can be 00 or 01, controls flipping axis “A”

Value 0C = can be 00 or 01, controls 90 degree offset

Value 0D = can be 00 or 01, controls flipping axis “B”

Value 0E = can be 00 or 01,  controls 90-degree offset, but the value MUST be different to 0C. E.g. if 0C is 00, 0E must be 01, and vice versa.

Value 0F = can be 00 or 01, does not seem to change anything. I recommend 00.

Value 0G = must be 02.

So in reality, there are really only 4 unknowns:

00 0B 0C 0D 0E 00 02

Four unknowns, with each containing one bit, means we have 4 bits of information, which from binary means we have 16 possibilities. However, as one bit is simply the other bit inversed (“NOT” function) we actually only have 8 combinations. Four of those are just the same as the others, just rotated by 90-degrees.

You actually do not need to restart the device each time, instead, you can simply disable and enable the “kionix sensor fusion device”, found under “sensors” in the windows device manager.

Postscript: If I was creating a system to do this, I would have binary switches for x-flip, y-flip, 90º rotate, and 90º rotation direction, which should allow a mapping from chip to device orientation in 4 binary values. The Kionix registry value has .. sevenclearly we must have a 4-dimensional piece of alien technology on our hands! 🙂

Tablet kxfusion Registry Orientation Codes

Some of the values I found online are listed below – If you figure your orientation code out for your device, please post it below in the comments with your model of tablet, and I’ll add it to the list. They may be wrong – sorry. I used the latest driver on the kionix website, on windows 10.


Tablet Model Registry Code File in zip
Acer s1001 01,01,00,00,01,00,02 03-flipB.reg
Allview WI8G 01 00 00 01 01 00 02 02-flipA.reg
ASUS TP550L 00,00,00,01,01,00,02 02-flipA.reg
Bush AC80CS 01,01,00,00,01,01,02 03-flipB.reg
Captiva PAD 10.1 00,00,00,01,01,01,02 02-flipA.reg
Cube i7 Stylus 01,00,00,01,01,00,02 02-flipA.reg
Hipstreet W7 00,00,00,01,01,01,02 02-flipA.reg
Hipstreet WP8 00,00,01,00,00,00,02 07-90degree.reg
HP Stream 7 01,01,01,01,00,00,02 or 01,00,01,00,00,00,02 06-90degree-flipA-flipB.reg or 07-90degree.reg??
i.onik tw8 00,00,01,00,00,00,02 07-90degree.reg
Irbis TW11 01,00,01,00,00,00,02 07-90degree.reg
Kurio Smart 01,01,00,00,01,01,02 03-flipB.reg
Linx 10 or Linx 7 01,01,00,00,01,01,02 or 00,00,00,01,01,00,02 03-flipB.reg or 02-flipA.reg??
Linx 8 00,00,01,00,00,00,02 or 00,00,00,01,01,00,02 07-90degree.reg or 02-flipA.reg?
Linx 810 01,01,01,01,00,00,02 06-90degree-flipA-flipB.reg
Nextbook 10.1 01,00,01,00,00,00,02 07-90degree.reg
Nextbook 11.6 01,00,00,01,01,00,02 02-flipA.reg
Nextbook 7 01,00,00,01,01,00,02 02-flipA.reg
Nextbook 8, model NXW8QC16G 01,01,00,00,01,01,02 or 01,00,00,01,01,00,02 03-flipB.reg or 02-flipA.reg??
Nextbook flexx 10 01,00,01,00,00,01,02 07-90degree.reg
Novatech nTab 2 00,01,01,00,00,00,02 05-90degree-flipB.reg
ODYS WinTab 10 00,00,01,00,00,00,02 07-90degree.reg
Pendo Pad 8 00,01,00,01,01,00,02 04-flipA-flipB.reg
PIPO X8 00,00,01,01,00,01,02 08-90degree-flipA.reg
Quantum View 10 01,01,01,00,00,00,02 05-90degree-flipB.reg
Teclast X90HD 01,01,01,01,00,00,02 06-90degree-flipA-flipB.reg
Teclast X98 01,00,00,01,01,00,02 02-flipA.reg
Toshiba Encore Mini WT7-C-100 01,00,01,01,00,00,02 or 01,01,00,01,01,01,02 08-90degree-flipA.reg or 04-flipA-flipB.reg??
Trekstor Surftab Wintron 10.1 3G pro 00,00,01,00,00,00,02 07-90degree.reg
TrekStor SurfTab Twin 10.1 00,01,00,00,01,00,02 or 00,00,01,00,00,00,02 03-flipB.reg or 07-90degree.reg??
Unisurf 7 or Unisurf 10 01,00,00,01,01,00,02 02-flipA.reg
Voyo a1 mini 01,01,00,01,01,01,02 or 01,00,00,01,01,00,02 04-flipA-flipB.reg or 02-FlipA.reg??
Winbook TW100 01,00,00,01,01,00,02 02-flipA.reg


  1. Taylor Von Klingler

    For the iview supra pad i700qw I was able to use
    01 01 00 00 01 01 01 02
    to fix the orientation of the screen. However the touch is still calibrated by 90 degrees. is this a different parameter?

    Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!

  2. UnRated Di

    Great post and thank you for the regs!

    For my Toshiba Encore Mini WT7-C the file 08-90degree-flipA.reg worked perfect.

    So I guess the values are: 01,00,01,01,00,00,02
    for anyone that needs them.

  3. Russ Sayer

    Thanks for taking the time to post this, saved me much hair-pulling!

    I seem to be the first lucky owner of a Novatech nTab 2, settings that worked are:

    00 01 01 00 00 00 02

  4. Brett Watters

    Thank you so much. When I upgraded to Win10 on my tablet, the autorotation went nuts. Searched dozens of forums and found settings, but none included any values. Just turned the autorotate off and lived with it for a year. So glad I found this page.

    For reference, Hipstreet WP8, 07-90degree.reg worked.

  5. Peter

    Good task for the New Year’s Day. Particularly when completed with full success :-))))

    Great thanks, Samuel, really !

    ODYS WinTab 10 (whatever this hardware really is…):
    00 00 01 00 00 00 02

  6. Matt

    Ugh, so frustrating. Took about 45 minutes of guessing and checking, then I stumbled upon your website and with a few guesses figured mine out.

    Naxa Core NID-9003 was the 07-90degree.reg file.

  7. Pete Jackson


    I fixed my Nextbook 10.1 after a year of not having that feature working after my Win10 upgrade.

    This worked perfectly!

  8. Darin

    I already gave up i’ll ever have auto rotate working as intended. Had my tablet on rotation lock for what feels like forever.

    I’m sooooo happy to have found your post, took little time to guess the right registry fix, but it worked perfectly.

    For my Voyo A1 mini, 02-FlipA.reg was the one.


  9. Bedo

    Thank you! You saved my little Chinese Cube i7 Stylus! The combination that worked for me was actually: 00 01 00 00 01 02

    Thank you again for this niece post on crappy sensors 🙂

  10. Andrew

    Sadly none appear to work with my Linx 810 upgraded to Windows 10. I’ve tried them all and nothing seems to happen at all with any of them which I find odd.
    Thank you anyway.

  11. Andrew

    Thank you.
    Progress so far, I have 2 of these devices, one was already Win10 at purchase the other (problematic one) was not. So, I have backed up the drivers on the one that’s working ok and transferred drivers to the other so now drivers are identical. I then went in to the registry and checked the orientation key on the good one which was ’01 01 01 01 00 00 02′ to the ‘faulty’ one, so now both have identical drivers and identical registry entries but the problem still exists (lol! or Aaarg!!!)

  12. Jo

    Thanks for the good work, but this did not work for me. I have an Unisurf 7 like yours, recently wiped out the old stuff from its small 16GB storage and installed 32bit Windows 10 professional with this problem and then I installed Windows 10 home ver1703. Then reinstalled all old drivers that I had backed up and looks everything works but this rotation sensor and your post did not help too. It looks like changing these values does nothing at all!
    The problem is that when I hold the tablet vertically it rotates the screen and shows the screen upside down off by 180 degrees. It happens on both sides, up or down. If I hold the tablet horizontally, it works just fine. So I have the problem on 2 sides (up or down) and works fine on 2 sides, left or right. Do you have the same problem? Any suggestions?

    • admin

      Hmmm… that sounds frustrating. Have you tried restarting after changing the values? Are you using your backed up old kionix driver, or are you using the one that I’ve linked in this post?

    • Jo

      Hi again. After I took out all previously installed original drivers for all sensors by the Unisurf tablet manufacturer that I had backed up previously, and installing the driver from Kionix, and then applying your patch 02-flipA.reg, it looks the orientation is working properly. Thanks a lot. Now I need to check if some parts are not working properly as a result of removing those drivers and fix them. Thank you again.

  13. Ezzy

    HP Stream 8 after Win 10 upgrade works well with
    06-90degree-flipA-flipB if you are keeping a list.

    Thanks for this, it was a great help!

  14. Jose Martins

    Many thanks. My Onda clone tablet, lost the rotation after a windows 10 update.

    Your tutorial helped make it work properly again.

    Once again many thanks for the time you spent writing this tutorial to help people out.

  15. Jeffery

    02-flipA.reg worked for my HipStreet WPro 10 tablet after being upgraded to Windows 10.

    01 00 00 01 01 00 02

    Thanks for your time to find this out!!

  16. Agung

    Thanks man! you made my day… the auto rotation on my hexa tablet which was 180 wrong after W10 upgrade is now working correct with 02-flipA. Cheerzzz.. Keep UP the GOOD work!!

  17. Wolfgang

    My HP Stream 7 needed your 06-90degree-flipA-flipB.reg für recovery.
    In the registry I find: 00 01 01 01 00 00 02
    Thanks for your aid, you made my night!

  18. Errol

    The registry files you provided fixed the screen rotation problem I was experiencing on my Linx 7 tablet. Thanks. Keep up the excellent work.

  19. Pedro

    Hi. Since last Windows update myTeclast X98 Plus screen is always upside down. I’ve tried the registry files you provided but it seems none of them is working. Any help please, it’s really urgent. Thanks.

  20. Euclio

    Hi Sam and thank you for letting us know you findings about this problem. I just cannot understand why W10 does not contain a feature to calibrate rotation.
    I use a Lenovo MIIX300-10IBY which rotates the screen into the wrong direction: +/-90 degrees.

    The sensor devices are
    Kionix KXTJ9 3-axis accelerometer driver ver.
    Kionix Sensor Fusion Device driver ver.

    Before applying the files downloaded I would like to know whether the other item REG_SZ ACPI/SMO… should also be changed or not. The registry now contains
    ACPI\SMO8500\1-0 REG_SZ {DBCFFCEA-38C5-4386-9945-92F183AA5700}
    Many thanks.

  21. Bob

    Wow, sincere thanks you saved me so much time…my screen orientation was really messed up. It took seven trials 1,2,3,4,5,6, and now I am celebrating..Fixed and no fees to tech help.

  22. Robin

    Your a life saver. Had problems with my Linx 7 update to Windows 10 so not used for nearly 2 years. Came across your post and now working fine.

    Needed 02-flipA

    Thanks again!!

  23. aniguenni

    great work,
    thank’s very much indeed.
    I was trying plenty of varyities and none did work so far. With your explanation and lit of diverse items, at least, I could manage to turn the rotation into the right (ODYS WinPad V10)
    (y) 🙂

    • admin

      Sorry to hear that… have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the kionix driver? One other person reported the same problem on their Stream 7. Apparently the important registry code was being reset after reboot. I wonder if HP has some custom driver?

  24. rockorn

    u.u someone found a solution for the cube iwork 10? does not rotate to vertical after an update of the stupid windows. I did what he said. Update driver, and change the registry with each of the models and nothing.

    In device management there are two sensors:
    1. bosch accelerometer
    2. kionix sensor fusion device

    • admin

      Unfortunately I don’t own my tablet any more so I’m just guessing – the Bosch accelerometer is not something I remember. Maybe there is a different kionix driver you can choose for that device?

  25. housam

    cube iwork 8″ 3G
    If you install the latest kionix driver for the sensor and orientation, then in the registry parameter you need to register a binary of the following kind: Orientation hex 01 00 01 00 00 01 02

  26. Steve

    I’ve had to reinstall my Voyo A6 WinPad with Windows 10, unfortunately this has messed up the orientation setting with Kxfusion. I noticed within the registry the orientation binary file was missing, so I manually created a new one. I tried numerous settings from your website, including the Voyo A1s and A1Mini. But unfortunately none of these work. I was wondering if anyone owns a Voyo A6 who is able to write down the settings or able to help. Many thanks

      • Steve

        Unfortunately not, what ever ones I have tried seem to have the same effect. I have also stopped and started kxfusion within the device manager. But this still hasn’t made any effect.

        • admin

          Can you please try changing the registry key:


          Change this according to this post, and see if there is any change then?

        • admin

          The value to change is also different, it is “ChipMount” … I’m sorry I can’t try this, I don’t have my tablet anymore.

  27. Nicolás Matías Funtalas

    I have an Exo Wings K1332 with the same problem in both O.S’s (Windows 8.1 and Windows 10). How to fix it???

  28. Luke

    00,00,01,00,00,00,02 (07-90degree.reg) works for the Double Power (DOPO) DPW7A-BT.

    Thanks for all this great information.

    Now if I could just get the dang Goodix touch screen working. I think I need the correct file settings, as everything seems to be installed correctly, but it doesn’t respond at all.

  29. Nenad

    Hello, i have problem with wrong screen orentation on Treckstor surftab wintron 10.1 pure.if anibody had similar problem please help.I tried to fix it with this instuctions with no result.

    • admin

      Can you please post a screenshot of your device manager? Did you install the drivers? Did you identify the kionix device is enabled and recognised?

    • admin

      Ok, so is the screen rotating properly now?
      I can’t help with the touchscreen side of things unfortunately, perhaps try to find some touchscreen drivers for other tablets and see if they work.

  30. Ys

    Thank you for the helpful information. Auto rotation is worked fine 00,01,01,01,00,00,02 for my Teclast x98 plus.

    However, window camera app is inverted. Do you have any idea to fix it?

    Thanks in advance

    • admin

      Hi Rafael,

      I’m sorry – webcam orientation is a different issue to the screen rotation problem, and I am not as familiar with the webcam situation.

      Generally, the webcam orientation fix will depend on what model your laptop/tablet is, and what kind of webcam device it is. Some webcam devices can be fixed by simply uninstalling the default webcam drivers, and reinstalling the correct webcam drivers for your specific device model – check the device driver download page for your product.

      In other cases, some webcams can sometimes be fixed with registry key fixes, like here – see the comments on that page for some good suggestions to try too.


  31. Euclio

    Hi Sam,
    I would like to let you know that I was not able to fix the rotation problem of my Lenovo MIIX300-10IBY using the advices on this page. However, now, when W10 updated itself to version 1809 — the problem disappeared. Now I don’t have to switch on the “rotation lock” feature in the action center…
    Anyway, thanks for all your efforts in connection with this annoying problem.

  32. Takayuki

    Thank you! It’s very helpful of these reg values.
    And parameter 0F seems to invert Z-axis value on my environment.

    I set parameters to [hex:00,00,01,00,00,01,02] and all axis works properly, with latest Kionix driver x86 / Win10 1809 32bit / Onda V975W v2 tablet.

    I really appreciateof you!

  33. hoiair83

    GoClever – Insignia 800 WIN

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ROOT\SENSOR\0000\Device Parameters\kxfusion]

  34. Marco

    Thanks a lot!!!!!

    My Tablet :
    Keian KJT-80W
    Orientation 00 01 00 00 01 00 02

    If someone is searching all the drivers for this tablet ( for windows 10) search on google :
    Goodix Touch HID
    Filename:A105 Driver for Windows

  35. Adam

    I know this is old but I tried this on my Digital2 1015w and it did not fix the screen rotation. It did however mess up the touchscreen. My touch screen seems to be permanently rotated 90 degrees off from the actual screen rotation.

    • admin

      Hi Adam,

      Sorry to hear you’ve had issues. Did you try all of the registry file fixes provided? I would suggest to reboot between each one. I don’t understand why your touchscreen would be affected, because these registry changes should not change the alignment of the touchscreen with the LCD panel. Perhaps you installed a touchscreen driver, rather than the Kionix sensor driver I linked?


  36. Jorge

    Just like a note, for the Vulcan Challenger II the registers needed are 3, 7, 4 and 8.

    You can download the drivers directly from their website.

    Thank you very much!

  37. Olumide

    For my Injoo Leap 4 (originally Win 8.1)
    Windows 10 Home
    Version 1809 (build 17763.107)
    Kionix KXTJ9 3-axis accelerometer SPB
    Driver version

    Orientation parameter that worked:
    00 00 01 00 00 00 02

    Also for some reason I had to create the “orientation” key under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ROOT\SENSOR\0001\Device Parameters\kxfusion]

    Because Device Parameters\kxfusion was under
    Registry key \0001\ instead of \0000\
    Probably because I had manually created 0000 during troubleshooting before finding this post and I could no longer delete it.

  38. AL

    4 years on and this article is still helping!!

    Eve-V running Windows 10 20H1
    Driver version:

    Thank you !!

  39. Leonard Hopkins

    Brilliant work! Have an old NextBook 10.1 that I got working but this was jacked. First the Sensor driver was missing so Unknown Device showing in Device Manager.

    Took a while to find the driver and thought that was the problem, which it was in part. The auto rotation started working but the orientation was jacked now. Applying the Hex code and registry value here solved the problem.

  40. Andrew Shelton

    Iball Slide WQ32:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ROOT\SENSOR\0000\Device Parameters\kxfusion]

    • Andrew

      Hi Samuel

      Thank you so much. I just pulled my LINX 10 back from feature set 2004 (which gave me black screen and cursor after login) and found the rotation/orientation had stopped working correctly on version 1903. I was looking for older driver when I found your page and this solved the problem straight away.
      I used the second set of values (is that 02-flipA.reg ?) 00,00,00,01,01,00,02

      Best wishes

  41. Thomas H

    The Lenovo driver combined with this registry fix works very well on the next book 10.

    I would recommend people avoid upgrading to 2004 at this point because it is very unstable.

    Thank you for writing this article.

    I am still trying to determine a method to disable pinch to zoom on the keyboard trackpad on this device, if anybody here has a solution I would love to hear how you have solved that problem. The driver does not provide a user interface to control that setting.

  42. paul

    thank god i came across this article, it worked wonders even though i have a linx 10 tablet, I downloaded and installed the lenovo Kionix G-sensor Driver for Windows 10 (32-bit) – ideapad Miix 300-10IBY as you can’t get it directly from Kionix. I still managed to follow your instructions and bingo it works a treat (i used the 2nd set of binary Nos provided). thanks once again.

  43. slimtom

    Respect! What a fantastic work! Saved me.
    But settings for Teclast X98 Plus are wrong. I have to set mine to:

    01 01 01 01 00 00 02

        • slimtom

          ..and I have a touch sensor problems now – When I touch the screen, location detected is flipped – it is on the wrong side of the screen. Any ideas how to solve ?
          Like: I touch left down corner and detected location is upper righ.


          • admin

            Hi slimtom,

            The touch driver is separate to the tilt sensor driver. You may want to try a different touch driver as some are configured differently for the same touch chip. I’m sorry that I’m not as familiar with the touch screen configuration as I am with the kionix sensor.

            If you do figure out a solution, I would love to know too!

  44. Rob

    I have a Geo Flex 11.6″, which is cobbled together from two slightly different models. The screen is from one, the motherboard from another.

    The problem is that the screen has its KXCJ9 sensor chip oriented differently from how the motherboard’s chip expects.
    Consequently the auto-rotate is out of phase by 90 degrees, and so needs correcting in software.

    The driver that Windows 10 x64 defaults to using is kxjhinge.dll, and displays the devices:
    “Kionix 3-axis accelerometer”
    “Kionix 3-axis accelerometer in Keyboard”

    I’ve tried versions (2018-03-27) through to (2019-10-02).

    In addition I can also successfully force the use of kxacc.dll, with any of the various device options (“Kionix KXCJ9 3-axis accelerometer”, “Kionix J-series 3-axis accelerometer” etc etc)

    The problem is neither of these driver dlls support the registry setting override mechanism documented here.

    I’ve found one version of kxfusion.dll for the x64 platform (device name “Kionix Sensor Fusion Device”) , but the driver isn’t compatible, and doesn’t work when forced either.

    I’m stumped atm, and am considering approaching Kionix to try to find out if there’s a different override mechanism in the newer drivers.

    Any ideas?

  45. Simon

    Excellent work. I have been trying to use an old Linx 8″ tablet as a Magic Mirror. Recent Windows updates had made it lose touchscreen and various other capabilities, and I managed to find the right drivers to fix those problems from a site in Ireland, but the screen was upside down. This registry fix was just what I needed. The registry values in the .reg file that came with the Kionix driver were wrong!

  46. Mark

    Thanks, great thread!

    Managed to get a Linx8 table up to date with Windows 10 and pretty much running OK (camera is not working 50% of the time but I don’t need it).

    The original file was: 06-90degree-flipA-flipB.reg

    However, two things … Noticed the path & GUID was different for me. In the end, this worked.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ROOT\SENSOR\0001\Device Parameters\kxfusion]

    Notice how I took out the GUID line and changed from 0000 to 0001.

    Needed to install these drivers: kxaccel-

  47. temmu

    Phoenix Wintab 7


    using Windows 10 1809 LTSC fresh install since this is the latest OS that can comfortably fit on 16GB Internal Storage of the Windows Tablet (8GB storage used after windows 10 install). Everything works fine.

  48. sameh kenawy

    i tried your way and worked but after installing graphic driver it returned back flipped and tried to fix the problem again but i failed

    now i have problem in g sensor and touch screen

    • admin

      Is rotation actually working when you tilt the device in different orientations? Maybe you need to manually select a different driver for the Kionix sensor. I suggest you wipe and install the system again, using only the factory OEM drivers, and then see how that goes. If that fails, then I suggest doing the complete opposite and manually installing drivers one by one.

  49. Jani Laitinen

    On Kurio Student C15200 with Win 8.1, orientation is correct with 01 00 00 01 01 01 02, and quite fast also, but when attached to keyboard it turns 90 decrees left. Same thing when UAC appears. .
    Only solution is to use ctrl+alt+right arrow.

  50. Mr. "E"

    Finally! i found the one for my tablet (windows 8.1):

    Bangho Aero J08: 00 01 00 00 01 00 02

    Thank you so much for this post.

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